Quick contact info

Introducing OMBM as one of leading and specialized company in UAE, which provides high quality raw materials with qualified services and continues support.

icon_widget_image Monday-Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm icon_widget_image AL Masraf Tower, GF Office No. 9, Baniyas Rd Dubai - UAE icon_widget_image +(971) 565777579 +(971) 48874868 icon_widget_image ombmcoco@ombm-co.com
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Contact Us

Contact us, with the following contact list.


Office in DUBAI

AL Masraf Tower, Ground Floor Office No. 9, Baniyas Rd - Deira Al Rigga - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

+(971) 565777579

+(971) 48874868


Office in Amsterdam

Ulbe van Houtenstrjitte 51, Gytsjerk, Amsterdam 10110

+(123) 1234-567-8901

+(123) 1234-567-8902


Office in Barcelona

Comandante Izarduy 67, La Fontanilla 9, Barcelona 10200

+(123) 1234-567-8901

+(123) 1234-567-8902
